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Relationships : portals to self

Imagine this,

we come into this life as this ‘consciousness’ in the flesh vessel we call our bodies, you might know this consciousness as a force, the soul, the all, or just energy.

(Basically, whatever you feel comfortable to believe in)

Now, it is naïve to think we can ever fathom the workings of this universe, but at the crux of it, what makes sense is the fact that there is something behind it all that binds us all together yet is able to express itself in distinct ways and create infinite lenses of perception which we all hold, or to put it simply, there will never be the same Meet again, and there will never be another You, the reader, where our sense of unique-ness is rooted in our ability to process life in a way that is so wholeheartedly ours.

so, I wonder, in a world where ‘that consciousness’ finds itself in different iterations of human beings, it has no better way to discover its ‘sameness’, other than dealing with one another and experiencing the complexities of human relationships.

If all of our lives are just self-discovery journeys leading us to the same place, then the only way to the path of remembrance of oneself is aided by our other selves, by the people in our lives, because if there were nothing to interact with, we wouldn’t know what we are capable of expressing ourselves as.

To put things in perspective and why I’ve come to this understanding of my own life, I have realised that somehow my relationships, be it romantic, platonic, or familial manage to take the centre stage in my life time and again, whether I intend for it or not, and indirectly affect the way I experience things, which makes me believe that how I choose to show up and process my relationships is a confession of my own character.

To picture this better, notice whenever you’re talking to another person and try to perceive it as two energies giving itself ‘feedback’ about its own expression, where the kind and quality of experiences and interactions we have is a performance report of our own self.

Realistically talking, if you were to take each word and interaction as ‘feedback’ it would lead you to a point of overwhelming information, where it becomes hard to decipher what to take away from it and which part of other people is being reflected as mirrors of our own selves.

Which is why to actively practice this, the first step is to come to an understanding of stepping outside of those relationships, where a certain level of detachment helps you see things as they present themselves, which is one hard task to do, especially given the emotional addictiveness of relationship dynamics.

A practice that helps me ground this concept into my daily life is to imagine a screen in my head, and treat all my thoughts as commercials on TV, where I have the option to pay no heed to them and let them pass or to carefully pay attention and consciously pick the ones that make sense to me and I believe I can find some truth in it.


Inculcating this practice is no easy feat, since it requires you to be the watchdog of your own mind, which is an arduous act and demands a certain level of attention.

There are times when I have found myself feeling absolutely puzzled as to what exactly are the relationships in my life reflecting, and most importantly, what happens when I am unable to appreciate that ‘feedback’, or probably end up overanalysing it, which translates to friction between people in real life?

After a lot of trial and error I have come to believe that in such situations, what helps is to develop a sense of self, where I’m able to distinguish between what holds value for me and what doesn’t.

A good starting point for getting in touch with that sense of self is to ask yourself,

whether you are integrating your uniqueness or trying to shy away from it? Are you in alignment with your inner compass or are you betraying yourself by believing in some self-limiting beliefs?

(I know, heavy questions, good thing is the answer will always remain a work in progress…)

At the risk of sounding idealistic, the point I’m trying to make here is -

If we try and view the world as an expression machine, where we all have something unique to bring in the form of expression of ‘that consciousness’, then the friction we experience in relationships is not something to get emotionally entangled in but rather an opportunity to muse upon the possibility of it trying to tell us something in an attempt to bring us closer to our truest form of being.

Life has this magical ability to rearrange itself according to where your minds at, or where you’re ~ vibrationally ~

Lastly, if you’ve stuck with me this far, thank you for letting me bounce of my thoughts and providing a conscious space for it.

Until next time.



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Aug 03, 2023

An engaging blog on human consciousness and the significance of relationships in self-discovery! While I see the value in learning from interactions, I believe it's essential to strike a balance with introspection. Understanding our uniqueness requires both internal reflection and external experiences. Let's embrace the complexity of life.


Aug 01, 2023

Clear and Interesting thoughts 😄


Aug 01, 2023

enjoying the view through your lens


Aug 01, 2023

Beautiful ❤️

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